Xeo Laser Treatments
Cutera Xeo Laser Treatments
The Cutera Xeo Laser Machine, is a cutting edge addition to our advanced aesthetics treatments that we offer at Aurielle.
We can offer a wide range of treatment options, each designed to address specific concerns and deliver outstanding outcomes.
We can now offer Laser Genesis , Limelight IPL, Laser Hair Removal, Skin Therapy.
What We Can Treat
- Acne / Scarring
- Pigmentation
- Fine Lines & Wrinkles
- Thread Veins
- Hair Removal
- Rosacea
- Facial Veins
- Leg Veins
- Freckles

Laser Hair Removal
If you are tired of shaving or waxing Laser Hair Removal may be the perfect option.It is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the UK.
We offer the Cool glide Nd-YAG wavelength for fast hair removal treatments. These treatments are perfect for any area on the body and for all skin pigment types
For facial hair the time interval between treatments is 4 to 8 weeks. For body hair the time interval between treatments is 6 to 8 weeks. For back or leg hair the time interval between treatments is 8 to 10 weeks
Laser Genesis
Laser Genesis effectively reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, tightens pores, reduces oil production, improves overall tone and texture on the skin, gets rid of sun damage and helps aid in scar reduction with no downtime.
Laser Genesis is the ultimate lunchtime procedure.
Laser Genesis uses a Nd:YAG laser to gently heat layers of tissue in the dermis. The rising temperature breaks up oil and dirt, stimulates collagen growth and evens out skin tone. Laser Genesis also diffuses the facial redness that accompanies rosacea.
Usually at least 3 treatments are necessary but additional treatments may be necessary to optimize your results.
We recommend a course of 6 treatments The interval betweenLaser Genesis treatments is about 2-4weeks.
Laser Spider Vein Therapy
Either on your face or body, we can treat a broad range of vessels from spider veins to deep blue reticular veins quickly, safely, and effectively. Although perfect for all skin tones, the number of treatments depends on the number, colour, and size of the vessels being treated.
The Tru Pulse Nd:YAG delivers pulses of light energy which causes blood within the vein to coagulate which eventually destroys the vessel. Blood flow will be redirected to veins deeper below the skin’s surface where it should be.
Most patients find that the majority of the treated veins show significant improvement within 2 to 6 weeks oftreatment.
Final results may not be apparent for several months and more treatments may be needed. Larger reticular vessels may take longer to resolve and may need multiple treatments.
The interval between Laser Spider Vein Therapy treatments is about 6 weeks.
Limelight IPL
IPL is a hand held devise that emits a broad – spectrum pulse of light to your skin. This high intensity light targets pigments in your skin. The light is converted into heat energy to destroy cells that produce pigment or colour to the skin. It also cause dermal heating of your skin which will aid skin tightening and collagen production.
We reccomend 3-6 Treatments performed. Maintenance treatments can then be once or twice per year.
The interval between IPL is at least 4 weeks.