
November: National Healthy Skin Month

Every November National Healthy Skin Month is a reminder to practice healthy skin habits.

As a skincare specialist I strongly advise healthy skin habits all year round! Don’t just make November the only month of good skincare! 

Nourished, glowing skin is attainable all year-round with these five practical tips:

Come rain or shine wearing your SPF is a NECESSITY!

Harmful UV Rays are ALWAYS present! Even if it is a dull, overcast day the rays can penetrate through the clouds, and even if you’re indoors, they can make their way through your windows! SPF protects your skin from damage and potentially from cancerous skin cells developing in later life.

Not only that, but without SPF our skin has no protection resulting in premature ageing to our skin! Prevent unnecessary lines and wrinkles forming, as well as hyperpigmentation by keeping your skin protected at ALL times.

We have a range of Alumier Broad Spectrum SPF 40+ to suit all different skin types.

Cleanser is the key item in everyone’s skincare routine.
Cleansing your face morning and evening every day is so important otherwise without a clean blank canvas you will not reap the benefits of using any other products.

We don’t realise the amount of dirt and pollution that is in contact with our skin throughout the day, clogging our pores and resulting in blemishes and impurities. Even if you haven’t been wearing makeup and your skin LOOKS clean, it is so important to wash your face and thoroughly cleanse. 

We recommend Alumier Cleansers. The range of medical-grade skin cleansers means that there is something for every skin type and suitable for many skin concerns you may have.

Do you know what your skin type is?

It is so important that you use skincare products suitable to your skin type.

✨ People with dry skin should avoid overusing retinoids.

✨ People with oily skin will need to be particularly careful to find moisturisers that are non-comedogenic, meaning they don’t block pores.

✨  For all skin types, staying hydrated and washing pillowcases once a week will help keep skin healthy and glowing.

It’s easier said than done when juggling a busy life of work and family but nourishing our bodies with healthy food and drink does have an impact on our skin.

💫  Over indulging on junk food and alcohol can result in dull looking skin and often lead to breakouts.

💫  Lifestyle habits and choices such as smoking can also impact our skin health.

💫  Smoking causes wrinkles and speeds up the normal ageing process. This occurs not just on the face; smoking also contributes to wrinkles all over the body, particularly the inner arms. Chemicals in cigarettes damage collagen and elastin, which are fibres that keep the skin healthy and full.

💫  Damaged collagen and elastin lead to skin that sags and looks older faster.

There are preventative and ways you can treat this. We have a range of anti-ageing treatment plans in clinic as well as our packages.

A popular package for clients who worry about the ageing of their skin and espefcially lines forming around the mouth is the Ultimate Lip Line Rejuvenation Package, including Lip Filler to plump and hydrate the lips, Lip Line filler to reduce the appearance of fine lines around the mouth area and Redensity I Skin Booster. 

Looking after yourself is so important!

This is why we are here for you!

Take time out for a skincare treatment to give your skin a boost throughout the winter months.

Work and family life can take over but it is essential that you have a moment to de-stress, whether that is with a bubble bath and a face mask, or a walk in the fresh air, make sure you take that time.

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